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Wine From The Cask

A wish fluttered in my heart,

A desire soon to be fulfilled. 

There's a grace she carries in her beauty, 

They belong in the heart, in the superior guild. 


I look into her heart, 

The beauty I read gave me realization;

A fine lady, with warmth and good at the core, 

Covering no picture of physical description. 


Her beauty taught me what eyes are,

And the words that create a poem;

The story is engraved and made immortal, 

Unfurling untold takes in an exquisite rhythm. 


Unwittingly intoxicating, 

Words pour out like wine from a wooden cask. 

Drunk on stories and high on poems, 

I fall on her lap with a million stars to dusk. 


Leaking and dropping, 

It fell on me, feeding me peaceful sleep. 

I drowned, died, and was resurrected;

I was dragged to a side unfathomably deep. 


Bright like a crowns smile, 

The charm turned my world around. 

In it, grey sky spoke of her fair face and soft hands, 

Rain spoke of the happiness we both found.


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